FAC Tricia Wagner

Tricia Wagner - Fund Advisory Committee Profile

Years on Fund Committee: 2
Occupation: Community Outreach and Wellness Coordinator
Tricia Wagner

Q.  What is the best thing about living in your community?

A. The small town atmosphere with big city opportunities is what makes McCook an excellent place to live.

Q. Did you always plan to return to McCook/Southwest Nebraska? If not, what changed your mind?

A. It wasn't until I had the opportunity to leave for college that I realized I wanted to end up back in McCook. While I enjoy traveling, nowhere has any other place made me feel as at home as McCook does!

Q. Through your time, what changes have you seen benefit McCook/SW NE?

A. The Skate Park project was a huge win for our community, especially our youth. Investing in the Skate Park showed unity across generations and promotes health and fun. A win-win.

Q. What is your favorite memory of an event or activity in McCook?

A. One of my favorite events in McCook is our annual Heritage Days Parade and Festival. I was honored to be the 2012 Heritage Days Queen (alongside the 2012 King and fellow Fund Advisory member Gavin Harsh) and had a blast representing our community.

Q. Why do you think it's important to have MCFF?

A. MCFF is essential for the success of many important projects in McCook. I think a lot of people would be surprised to see just how many projects MCFF has funded.

Q. What excites you when you think about the future of your community?

A. I am so excited to see young people and families coming back to McCook or even putting down new roots here.

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